Hey, It’s The First Dark Knight Rises Poster!!

This is a super cool poster… I would proudly display that in my home.  However, I am concerned about this movie!!  It sounds like they’ve loaded up on too many villains, plus Anne Hathaway is Catwoman like Amy Adams is Lois Lane (NOT AT ALL), and it all seems like it may be a bit much.

Though to be fair, I was concerned about The Dark Knight at this stage too… I thought Heath Ledger as the Joker was going to be horrible.  Obviously, it turned out brilliant and all that, so take my concern with a massive grain of salt.  But still, the Joker was far and away the best part of The Dark Knight and he’s gone now… and lord knows that Christian Bale’s Batman has been the dullest character on screen for two movies running.  I still maintain that Batman Begins wasn’t a very good flick and, if I’m being super honest, The Dark Knight would have been only average without the Joker.  So yeah, I’m not sure about Dark Knight Rises.  I want it to be fantastic, but I’m worried. 

Regardless, awesome poster… good work so far, Nolan and company!!

Published by Tim Hanley

Tim Hanley is a comic book historian and the author of Wonder Woman Unbound, Investigating Lois Lane, The Many Lives of Catwoman, Betty and Veronica: The Leading Ladies of Riverdale, and Not All Supermen.

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