The Dark Knight Rises Review OR In A Word: EPIC

I just saw The Dark Knight Rises, and WOW it was crazy!!  And I loved it.  I was on the edge of my seat for pretty much the entire movie.  It was a rough go of it for our friend the Batman but he, not surprisingly, rose up and beat the hell out of theContinue reading “The Dark Knight Rises Review OR In A Word: EPIC”

Wonder Woman #11 Review OR Wonder Woman Is Really Rocking That Jacket

You might think that when the high point of an issue is the protagonist wearing a classy outfit, then the rest of the issue is not so great.  But that’s not the case with Wonder Woman #11.  Yes, Diana looks all sorts of cool in her high boots, white jacket, and tiara headband, and you comeContinue reading “Wonder Woman #11 Review OR Wonder Woman Is Really Rocking That Jacket”

You Really Ought To Go Buy Captain Marvel #1 Today

Seeing as this is a Wonder Woman blog, we don’t spend a lot of time talking about other characters and books, but today we’re going to make an exception.  Captain Marvel #1 hits comic stores today, and you should really buy it.  It’s written by Kelly Sue DeConnick, who is super awesome, and is drawnContinue reading “You Really Ought To Go Buy Captain Marvel #1 Today”

Comic-Con Wonder Woman News Round Up!!

Now that the dust has settled on another busy Comic-Con, it’s time to sift through all the announcements and see what’s new for Wonder Woman.  It was a big year, with DC Comics announcing a new Sandman comic, Marvel revealing that their movie slate includes Captain America: Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, and AntContinue reading “Comic-Con Wonder Woman News Round Up!!”

Wonder Woman #11 Preview OR Apollo And Artemis Team Up!!

Wonder Woman #11 comes out on Wednesday, and DC’s posted a preview on their own blog, rather than another hilariously random or inappropriate site.  Hey, remember when there was a Wonder Woman preview on Maxim’s site?  Oh DC, you’re so crazy.  But anyway, new preview time!!  Cliff Chiang is back, so even if you don’tContinue reading “Wonder Woman #11 Preview OR Apollo And Artemis Team Up!!”

Wonder Woman Sales: #10 Down Slightly, But Comparatively Not Too Bad

June was a very weird month for DC Comics.  Four Before Watchmen series debuted, to very good numbers, but those sales seemed to be partially at the expense of all of their other books.  Almost everything else plummeted in June!!  Compared to the big losses across the board, Wonder Woman’s slight declines actually end upContinue reading “Wonder Woman Sales: #10 Down Slightly, But Comparatively Not Too Bad”

Wonder Woman Sketches From The Olympians’ George O’Connor

A little while ago I heartily recommended George O’Connor’s Olympians series, and first let me do so again.  I just read Athena: Grey-Eyed Goddess and it was FANTASTIC.  The Hera one is still my favourite, but they’re all ridiculously good.  Go buy them or check your local library or some such… you will not beContinue reading “Wonder Woman Sketches From The Olympians’ George O’Connor”