Wonder Woman At The Olympics Part One: The Olympics Of Terror!!

Now that the 2012 Summer Olympics have started, I thought it might be fun to take a look at Wonder Woman’s varied and bizarre participation in all sorts of Olympic Games.  First up is a story from Wonder Woman #66, published in May 1954 and written by Robert Kanigher with art by H.G. Peter. TheContinue reading “Wonder Woman At The Olympics Part One: The Olympics Of Terror!!”

The 1940s Justice Society Of America Were A Surprisingly Progressive Bunch

A few weeks back we learned that Wonder Woman’s background role as the secretary of the Justice Society in the 1940s wasn’t some sort of patriarchal, sexist scheme.  Instead, it was actually about William Moulton Marston wanting complete control of his character.  Today we’ll gain an even better appreciation for the people behind All-Star Comics. Continue reading “The 1940s Justice Society Of America Were A Surprisingly Progressive Bunch”

Women In Comics Statistics: DC And Marvel, May 2012 In Review

The women in comics stats for May 2012 are up over at Bleeding Cool!!  After amassing a couple of wins, Marvel fell to second place in May with 10.7% female creators and DC rose slightly to 11.5%.  There’s also a look at the solicits for DC’s 55 #0 issues compared to their New 52 #1Continue reading “Women In Comics Statistics: DC And Marvel, May 2012 In Review”

Wonder Woman Via Dan DeCarlo Via Bill Walko

This went up on The Line it is Drawn more than a month ago, but I just found it and loved it so I’m going to post it now.  The theme for this edition of TLIID was re-imagining a character as if they had been designed by a different creator.  Bill Walko got famed Archie artistContinue reading “Wonder Woman Via Dan DeCarlo Via Bill Walko”

The Dark Knight Rises Made A FORTUNE, But What About The Comics?

A few months back when The Avengers had the biggest opening weekend of all time, we took a look at the Amazon sales charts to see how well Avengers comics were doing in the wake of this massive success.  Movie and TV related books tend to do rather well, from The Hunger Games to GameContinue reading “The Dark Knight Rises Made A FORTUNE, But What About The Comics?”

Women In Comics Statistics: Marvel, May 2012 Week By Week

May was a very odd month for Marvel.  They’ve been having a pretty fantastic run since last September, but in the past couple of months they’ve had fewer women on the creative side of things and editorial’s been accounting for a lot of their numbers.  This became even more pronounced in May, so let’s turnContinue reading “Women In Comics Statistics: Marvel, May 2012 Week By Week”

Women In Comics Statistics: DC, May 2012 Week By Week

After eight months of putting out pretty much the same stuff every week, May was the beginning of DC’s Second Wave with six titles cancelled and six new titles starting.  Let’s see how the stats compare to past months and look at our overall numbers for May 2012: Amusingly, the pattern is very similar, withContinue reading “Women In Comics Statistics: DC, May 2012 Week By Week”